Your company may have the best laid strategy in the world, but if your employees are disengaged and you have a bad culture, the execution of that strategy will suffer. And we all know that flawless execution is what separates
To be engaged, employees must see that what they do matters. They must see where they fit into the puzzle – the bigger picture of where your company is going. They must see that they are a critical piece. They
Engaging employees starts with hiring the right ones in the first place. The wrong person cannot be engaged regardless of how amazing your work environment is. How do you get the right person in every chair? You accomplish this by
Business leaders and owners… How many of you were devastated when you were a young child and it was so cold outside on Halloween that you had to wear a coat over your costume? Now, how many of you are
Checking progress toward goals once a year will not help create an engaged workforce and ensure employees are on track to meet or exceed objectives. To that end, companies need to rethink the traditional annual performance reviews process. Regular checkpoints need
A major driver of employee engagement is whether people feel their leaders have genuine concern for their well-being. The best way to do that is to engage in face-to-face communications with your employees, all the while staying present and in
The human need to feel acknowledged and appreciated is alive and well. With the holidays quickly approaching, here are ideas for how to best recognize employees.
The most effective form of recognition is a “thank you”
Have a party