Jill Christensen is one of the most in-demand and highest-rated female keynote speakers in the world today. Named a Top 200 Global Thought Leader to Watch and Top 101 Employee Engagement Influencer, she takes audiences on a journey that educates and inspires people to act. Jill has presented her proven strategy to re-engage employees to 500,000 people globally in the past eight years.

A former Fortune 500 business executive with a Six Sigma Green Belt, Jill understands how organizations operate, and what they need to do differently to attract, retain, and inspire employees. This makes her a valuable asset to any organization that wants to improve productivity, retention, customer satisfaction, and profitable revenue growth. See Jill’s Client List Here.

Her first book, If Not You, Who? How to Crack the Code of Employee Disengagement, is a global best-seller, and her popular blog was named a Top 100 Corporate Blog alongside of Apple and Microsoft. Jill’s second book, Remote 101: The Secret to Engaging Virtual Workers, was published during the COVID pandemic.

Thanks to Jill’s passion, in-depth knowledge, energy, and ability to inspire, her keynote speech garners accolades from audience members and event planners such as: “Brilliant,” “The Best Speaker I’ve Ever Heard,” “Jill Has a Gift,” and “Simply Outstanding.”

Jill grew up in multiple U.S. states, attended college in Upstate New York, and resides in Arizona.  She moved to the west from the East Coast due to her pioneering spirit and love of the great outdoors.  A dual U.S./U.K. citizen, Jill’s vision is to retire in multiple countries, and explore the world’s diverse cultures, cuisines, natural habitats, and awe-inspiring historical sites.


Jill’s direct and provocative book on Employee Engagement is an Amazon best seller, uncovering four simple principles to turn disengaged workers into a unified high-performing team.


Jill’s inspiring keynote speeches and presentations give your audience the vital and actionable information they need. Hire a top-rated expert, who wrote the book on Employee Engagement.


As a former global Fortune 500 executive, Jill has helped thousands of senior leaders and HR professionals catapult productivity and profitability by teaching them how to engage employees.