Last week, Bloomberg published an article called “Office Perks are Dumb.” While the East Coast business woman in me would not have titled it this way, the premise is right on: office dogs, ping-pong tables and kegarators make people happy, but they
Following the launch of my book, If Not You, Who? Cracking the Code of Employee Disengagement, I’ve begun a whirlwind speaking tour to educate business people about employee engagement and inspire them to fix their cultures.
As part of my
PluralSight, a privately held education company that offers online video training courses for software developers, IT administrators, and creative professionals, is a model for Employee Engagement. The company has two rules for employees: be kind, courteous and respectful; and always
At the Westport, Connecticut-based hedge fund Bridgewater Associates — the world’s largest, with $169 billion in assets — meetings are filmed and made available to the 1,500 employees. Employees rate each other’s performance using proprietary apps to publicly display averages