In my keynote speech, I share with leaders that with leadership comes an enormous responsibility – to ensure their company succeeds. Leaders are dealers in hope, and with every hand they place on the table, they are betting on the future success or failure of the organization.
In a recent segment, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates – arguably two of the most successful businessmen in the world - agreed on the one thing that drove their success: They did something they enjoyed. Buffett invests and finds good deals and Gates builds computers and software.
In the June issue of Southwest Airlines’ inflight magazine, it was reported that executive recruitment firm Korn Ferry polled office workers about career advancement and found some surprising results. Apparently, 63% of people would rather receive a promotion (new title) than a pay raise.
According to Jen Christensen, a producer/editor with CNN’s Health, Medical & Wellness Unit, if you are looking for a way to be happier, are seeking deeper connections with friends or looking for more friends, or want to relate better to
This week, The United States of America celebrated its 241st birthday. In my five decades on Earth, I cannot remember a more tumultuous time in my country in the political arena. We have a president who lost the popular vote