When it comes to hiring the best and brightest workers, it’s a cut-throat world out there. What can you do as an employer to stand out? According to Millennials, offer career advancement, and perks that help limit out-of-pocket costs while promoting a healthier, less-stressful lifestyle.
The next time you think you can’t afford to go on vacation because of what your workaholic co-workers will think of you or the mounds of work that will greet you when you arrive home, think again.
While flying to Orlando, FL, recently to speak at the Florida State SHRM Conference, I smiled from ear-to-ear when I saw a headline in Southwest airlines’ in-flight magazine titled, “The Employee Experience.” Chairman and CEO, Gary Kelly, is a role-model for leadership. If more CEOs took cues from his...
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2017 American Time Survey, 92% of respondents spend their time at work doing their actual jobs. What are the others doing? Eating and drinking tops the list, followed by working on another job, socializing and using the internet.