Many companies are stepping up in this time of uncertainty. Target is giving workers raises and a paid leave option during the coronavirus pandemic, and Starbucks is paying all workers for the next 30 days regardless of whether they
What do you do when your employee turnover rate is 400%? If you are smart, like Total Logistics Inc., you try something new. A U.S. logistics and freight company facing massive turnover (which is typical in the industry), Total Logistics
I just saw a headline called How Coronavirus Gripped the World. I didn’t read it because I have a strong personal belief about how and why this is happening. And, it’s the same reason why employee engagement numbers are still
Jack Welch passed away last week. During his 20-year tenure as chairman and CEO of General Electric, Welch led a huge increase in market cap. The year before Welch became CEO, GE posted about $27 billion in revenue. In his last full year as
Gallup recently reported new employee engagement data, which shows that 35% of U.S. employees are engaged. The number of workers who are actively disengaged is 13%. These people are so miserable that they seek to sabotage their employer. The remaining