The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) exists to ensure that Colorado has a safe and efficient highway system by building and maintaining interstates, US highways and state highways. Motorists often believe that CDOT maintains local and residential roads, however, cities and counties are responsible for local and residential roads...
I recently read a great article by Matthew Jones in entitled The One Habit All Intelligent People Practice. Jones, a life coach and licensed therapist, says that from studying the behaviors of leaders in diverse fields while earning his doctorate in clinical psychology, he learned that all...
Millennials. Ah, the mere word incites a rash of emotions among parents, employers and marketers. I can’t remember the last time a “generation” of people caused such an uproar. Ironically, a new report from the U.S. Census Bureau has some data to back up the observations of...
Gallup recently honored 37 organizations, which average 14 engaged employees for every one actively disengaged employee, which the Gallup website says is nearly seven times the rate in the U.S. and more than 15 times the rate for workforces globally.
In my book, If Not You, Who? Cracking the Code of Employee Disengagement, I put forth a four-step process to re-engage employees, which serves as the foundation for your culture: hire people whose personal values align with your company’s values, align