It’s Not Time to Worry Yet recently posted a quiz asking one question: What worries you most about flying? With close to one million responses, that makes the following data statistically valid.
- 35% – Terrorism
- 25% – Long TSA security lines
- 23% – I have no worries about flying
- 17% – Crowded cabins
A whopping 77 percent of respondents are choosing to worry. Choosing the deep feeling of unease. Choosing to feel nauseated and in a physically uncomfortable state of being. Choosing to dream up a fearful future.
When you are in the habit of constant worrying, it leaves little space for a creative solution. Additionally, worrying is stressful and leads to nervous disorders, heart problems, sleeplessness, and a lack of concentration. Studies show that people who worry a lot are usually under-performers and there is a lack of quality in their work output.
As a senior leader or supervisor, one of the four most important traits you can possess to ensure your employees stay engaged is optimism – hopefulness and confidence about the future. So how do you break the worrying habit?
- The future cannot be predicted, so quit trying. People who realize this truth surrender to what is. They don’t try to predict the future, they make practical plans and leave the rest to destiny. The more you try to control, the more you will suffer. Worrying serves no purpose except to make you feel ill at ease.
- Live in the moment. There is no reality to the images you create in your mind. Look back on your life and see how many things you worried about really happened. In most cases, it will be none. The only moment that you control is the present moment.
- Understand that the mind is not in control. Worrying is the mind’s way of pretending it’s in control, but there’s no truth to it. Your mind thinks it’s steering this car called life, but that’s a lie. When you realize that life is uncontrollable, you let go of the need to resist or worry.
It’s not time to worry yet. If you give up the control, which you don’t really have, you will stop worrying. Do what you can and leave the rest to destiny. Strong leaders are optimistic about the future, trust and believe, and live life knowing it will give them the resources to deal with anything that arises.
Wondering what the other three most important traits are that you need to possess to ensure your employees trust you? Download my audiobook and begin the journey to higher levels of employee engagement today.