AI Provides Critical Insights About How to Increase Employee Retention
With a historic 4.5 million workers willingly leaving their jobs in November 2021, there are more questions than ever about what’s driving the change and how employers can retain talent.
EmpowerPoints, an employee engagement platform provider, recently revealed answers to those questions from its artificial intelligence (AI) engine. Brandon Poe, CEO of EmpowerPoints, says, “In a series of surprising revelations, some of the best solutions to increase employee retention are not the usual go-to answers.” Instead, employers should focus on the following:
1. Creating Momentum with a Small Percentage of Employees
The typical ‘boil the ocean’ approach to revamping corporate culture isn’t always the right strategy. Increasing engagement with just 20% of the workforce caused other engagement factors to increase as well. Those small changes were enough to completely transform engagement within the entire organization and increase retention.
2. Creating Shared Meaningful Contributions
Whether supporting co-workers through tough times or collectively taking a pay reduction to prevent layoffs, employees were far more engaged when they could contribute to solutions during challenging times. Refrain from shielding employees from difficulties that the organization or employees face. Instead, create a ‘we’re in it together’ attitude by offering opportunities for employees to become part of the solution.
3. Delivering Unfiltered Customer Feedback
Employees are more motivated to improve when candid customer comments reach them. In one situation, each time an employee received direct feedback from a customer, the employer was instructed to monetarily reward the employee – even when the feedback was negative. AI discovered this built significant loyalty between the employee and the employer, increasing retention and employee satisfaction.
Jill, What Can I Do? I’ve partnered with EmpowerPoints for years and can personally vouch for their powerful, cutting-edge employee engagement platform and AI engine. I’ve partnered with EmpowerPoints for years and can personally vouch for their powerful, cutting-edge employee engagement platform and AI engine. You can learn more about the evolving EmpowerPoints platform, schedule a demo, or sign up for a free 60-day online trial here.